Tar Sands Protesters Charged With Felony For Releasing Glitter

Two of the protesters have been arrested and charged with "Terrorism Hoax," a state felony which can carry a ten year prison sentence.

Environmental activists staged a mock oil spill outside the Devon Energy Center in downtown Oklahoma City on Friday morning, in protest of Devon’s involvement in tar sands extraction and hydraulic fracturing -- also know as fracking -- as well as plans to increase fracking in the Eagle Ford Shale.

Two activists with Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance (GPTSR) and Cross Timbers Earth First! locked themselves inside a revolving door at the Devon Tower. Firefighters were forced to cut them free.

“I’m opposed to the industry’s blatant disregard for human wellbeing in the pursuit of profit,” said Cory Mathis of Austin, TX—one of the activists locked down inside Devon. “These industries poison countless communities, often deceive and coerce folks into signing contracts, and when that doesn’t work, they use eminent domain to steal the land. Texas and Oklahoma have long been considered sacrifice zones for the oil and gas industry, and people have for the most part learned to roll over and accept the sicknesses and health issues that come with the temporary and unsustainable boost in employment.”

Activists held signs that symbolized the many devastating oil spills caused by the industry’s carelessness and neglect while chanting, “No Devon! No Tar Sands! No destruction of Native lands.”

A banner displaying a Mockingjay from the popular Hunger Games series was unfurled from the second story, reading: “The Odds are Never in Our Favor” seen below:

Credit: Courtesy: Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance

The anti-fracking activists were cuffed and questioned about their demonstration inside the Devon Tower. Oklahoma City Police say the protestors took it too far when they dropped a black substance from the second floor balcony.

Moriah Stephenson and Stefan Warner have been arrested for Terrorism Hoax, Trespassing and Disorderly Conduct.

Cory Mathis and Caroline McNally have been arrested for Trespassing and Disorderly Conduct.

According to the website for Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance, the “Terrorism Hoax” charges are over "glitter" that fell from the banner in the photo above. The website also explains that “Terrorism Hoax” is a state felony, which can carry a ten year sentence.

Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance is seeking donations, $3,500 is needed to bail those who have been arrested out of jail.

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