Fox's Charles Payne: 'Why Aren't We Growing The Top' Instead Of Raising Minimum Wage?

Fox's Charles Payne thinks the people on top should be the priority.

From this Monday's Your World With Neil Cavuto, guest host Charles Payne was back at it again, doing what he loves best when he's not bashing unions or attacking those living in poverty -- carrying water for big business and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce -- and carping about how terrible it would be if we were to raise the minimum wage to a living wage.

I have to say though, this might have been a new low even for him. Not only was Payne arguing against the wage hike, but he actually asked during a time of record income disparity if we should be paying those at the top more.

PAYNE: Isn't this really the real argument we should be having? Why are we discussing minimum wage in a country that used to go for the brass ring? Why aren't we growing the top so everyone, so the same tide lifts all ships?

As the "Democratic strategist" David Mercer who was on with Payne pointed out, that hasn't worked out so well with CEO pay through the roof and wages stagnant. In the end, Payne retreated to one of his other favorite taking points against the increase, which is the claim that these are just entry level or temporary jobs being worked by kids and eventually these workers will move "up the ladder." As we've discussed here over and over again, and as Media Matters pointed out this August, that's just not true.

h/t David Edwards

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