Hannity Sides With Limbaugh: 'The Pope Sounds Like He Is Against Capitalism'

Sean Hannity is just the latest in a very long line of right-wing talking heads to attack Pope Francis for daring to speak out about the perils of unfettered capitalism.

Needless to say, I guess that whole papal infallibility deal is out the window with the right-wingers now that Pope Francis has dared to speak out against unfettered capitalism and his recent critique of trickle-down economics.

Sean Hannity is just the latest in a long list of those on the right who have been attacking the pope over the last month or so, and on this Monday night's show on Fox, Hannity told his panel that he sided with blow hard Rush Limbaugh, who recently called Francis a "Marxist."

Given the millions of dollars Limbaugh and Hannity are paid to spread their bile on the airways day after day, I can see why their ilk would feel threatened by this new pope. Lord knows it might kill either of them if the world came to an end and their taxes went up.

h/t Media Matters

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