MITT - Official Trailer
'A Netflix original documentary, 'MITT' is a rare and intimate account of one man's quest for the presidency.' So says the blurb for it, anyway.
Netflix is releasing its documentary about Mitt Romney from family friend and documentarian Greg Whitely on January 24th. It follows Romney all the way from Christmas 2006 to his loss to Barack Obama. That may be a bit more Mitt (and Ann) that most of us can stomach, but the trailer at least looks surprisingly good. Apparently Mitt Romney really did think he was going to win on election night. Bizarre and surreal.
via WaPo
Mittbot. That's what dismissive opponents of Mitt Romney called the Republican presidential candidate as he toured the country in 2012. From afar, Romney was viewed as a polished statesman — but up close, the man rarely lived up to his carefully crafted persona. He could be stiff and awkward in person.
If Romney had released a video like this, perhaps things would've turned out differently.
In 138 seconds, Whiteley's trailer somehow manages to make Romney more of a real person than all the stumping he did.