NSA Win Leaves Security Of Cell, Cloud Data Uncertain

Two conflicting court rulings leave individuals and corporations uncertain of whether their phone calls, online activity or even data stored in the cloud will be shielded by U.S. laws protecting property, privacy or search and seizure.

NSA Win Leaves Security Of Cell, Cloud Data Uncertain

Via slashdot:

The decision of a New York judge that the wholesale collection of cell-phone metadata by the National Security Agency is constitutional ties the score between pro- and anti-NSA forces at one victory apiece.

The contradictory decisions use similar reasoning and criteria to come to opposite conclusions, leaving both individuals and corporations uncertain of whether their phone calls, online activity or even data stored in the cloud will ultimately be shielded by U.S. laws protecting property, privacy or search and seizure by law-enforcement agencies.

On Dec. 27, Judge William H. Pauley threw o...

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