Oklahoma Cops Think Falling Glitter Might Be A Biochemical Attack, Book Protesters On 'Terrorist Hoax' Charges When It Isn't

We appear to have a shortage of terrorists to defend against. We can't seem to find enough terrorists worldwide, so now we go after protesters whose glitter falls off their signs.

Via Techdirt:

I'm beginning to think the DHS, NSA, FBI and TSA are largely extraneous entities. We appear to have a shortage of terrorists to defend against. We can't seem to find enough terrorists worldwide to justify needlessly intrusive surveillance programs. The FBI can't seem to land any big fish without dropping the line into its stock pond. And what we have managed to scare up as prime terrorist suspects have been captured by zealous local law enforcement teams, utilizing a blend of expansive anti-terrorism laws and a credibility not normally granted to foul-mouthed teens using social networks.


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