Reliable Sources Laughs At The Death Of Journalism
Sure, Conan O'Brien is a comedian, but should we be laughing at his bit highlighting news hackery?
Have you seen this comedy bit on the Conan O'Brien show, where they get laughs by showing local news anchors using the same intros to feature stories?
He's done it a few times: Here, here, here and here.
His latest example is Reliable Sources' host Brian Stelter's favorite new thing this week.
But why?
Shouldn't the media critic whose job it is to look at the way the news is covered be more disgusted than amused by the clear scripted failure of journalism?
Here you have undeniable proof of the laziness and sloppiness of the news media, doing little more than reading press releases with no journalism (or critical thinking) involved and the best we can do is acknowledge it's funny?
Maybe Stelter should look at stats that show that Americans have lost faith in the media and then ask himself if this really is a laughing matter.