Snowden’s Biggest Revelation: We Don’t Know What Power Is Anymore, Nor Do We Care

For now, the question is: How can revelations about the out-of-control NSA (and GCHQ) spying program lead to something better?

Via Pando Daily:

It’s been a busy end of 2013 for the Snowden/NSA story: a pair of conflicting judicial rulings on the legality or illegality of the NSA’s phone surveillance program; an Obama-appointed panel recommending mild NSA reforms, including scaling back the NSA’s phone metadata vacuuming program; a rare and remarkably unrevealing interview with Snowden in the Washington Post, in which Snowden declared “Mission Accomplished”; followed up by a rather sad “Snowden Xmas Message” aired on Britain’s Channel 4; and more sensational revelations about the NSA spying on our closest allies, published last Frida...

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