Tracking The Breakdown Of American Social Institutions In 'The Unwinding'

This year's National Book Award Winner for Nonfiction, "The Unwinding," is a story of American institutions and people coming undone amid large-scale economic and social changes. Author George Packer is a staff writer for The New Yorker magazine,

Tracking The Breakdown Of American Social Institutions In 'The Unwinding'

Via PBS News Hour:

Have the institutional fabrics that used to ensure average citizens a secure place in American society come unraveled in the last few decades? Jeffrey Brown talks to George Packer about his award-winning book, "The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America," and the growing social stratification in the U.S.


JUDY WOODRUFF: Even as the U.S. economy continued its recovery, 2013 was yet another year that raised sobering questions about inequality and the nation’s ability to tackle some of its biggest problems.

Some of those issues, and an unusual perspective on four decades of his...

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