Wingnut Pastor Tells O'Reilly: Satan Is Behind 'War On Christianity'
O'Reilly and his wingnut guest took the so called "war on Christmas" to a whole new level this Wednesday night.
Oh look, everyone! It's the Church Lady!
Christmas isn't here yet, so I'm assuming we've got another week of this nonsense coming from Bill-O and his cohorts over at Fox. O'Reilly was back at it again this Wednesday with another segment on their phony, trumped-up "war on Christmas" with a little help from wingnut pastor Robert Jeffress.
Pastor Tells O’Reilly Who’s the Real War on Christmas™ Mastermind: Satan!
Bill O’Reilly decided Wednesday night that not enough of the Christian perspective in the War on Christmas™ has been showcased on his program (I’ll give you a minute if that statement made you burst out laughing), and brought on Pastor Robert Jeffress to share his perspective. And for anyone to say there isn’t a War on Christmas™, to Jeffress, you would have to be “extremely naïve or intentionally deceptive.”
And it’s not just a War on Christmas™ that’s brewing, it is “part of a larger war on Christianity” all over the world. You know, except for the fact that the real persecution of Christians in Islamic nations is in no way comparable or connected to a few dozen minor skirmishes about some holiday displays. I mean, really.
O’Reilly asked, “Who do you think is behind the movement to diminish Christianity?”
Jeffress answered, “The kingdom of darkness, of Satan.”
He also pointed to “judges who are perverting Christianity,” declaring that “Satan can use anyone and everyone,” and went after atheists trying to take down Christmas.
Yeah, those poor picked on Christians who aren't free to celebrate Christmas any more.