2014 Grammy Awards Open Thread

While the awards themselves are hardly a barometer of quality, this year's award show does promise some historic moments...

East Coasters will be able to watch the show live, but here on the West Coast, we have to wait for the tape-delayed feed. Try not to spoil it too much for those of us living on the left coast.

Some historic moments are expected on tonight's show. The Beatles will get a long-overdue "Lifetime Achievement Award" to be accepted by the two surviving Beatles, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, who will perform together in the single worst kept secret of the night.

Also to look for (and a huge sign that the paradigm has shifted completely), Macklemore and Ryan Lewis will perform their song "Same Love" during a mass wedding of 34 couples, gay and straight. Be prepared for right wing outrage in 3....2...1...

For those who like to play along at home, here's a list of nominees.

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