Ben Stein Throws Cold Water On National Debt Fearmongering

Fox's Ben Stein went off script this Saturday and dared to criticize the amount of money we spend on our military.

I'm no fan of Fox regular and former Nixon speechwriter Ben Stein, but every once in a while, he goes off of the reservation over at Fox, and says things on the air that may not sit too well with his boss Roger Ailes.

This Saturday was another of those days, where Stein went off script and actually challenged Neil Cavuto and the rest of the guests, who were busy carrying water for retired Adm. Mike Mullen -- who was fearmongering over the national debt this week, claiming that it poses the biggest threat there is to our national security -- which happens to be the exact same argument he was making back in 2011.

Stein did something that's rarely allowed on Fox, which is to criticize the amount of spending we do on our military industrial complex.

STEIN: I don't think Admiral Mullen has any training in economics whatsoever, that's one. Two, he's trained in land and building aircraft carriers, or at least in commanding them, not in economics. Two, there's never been an example in the entire history of mankind of a large civilization that went under because of its debt being excessive.

Three, if the debt is excessive, one solution is to tax more, not to spend less. Four, the military force of the United States, while not as strong as they were a few years ago, are the equal of the entire military forces of the rest of the world and we spend as much in the U.S. with 5 percent of the population as the entire rest of the world. And ask the Al-Qaeda terrorists who were blown up, or their families were blown up in Yemen by our drones if they're not scared of us.

We have more super sonic aircraft, more aircraft carriers, more ships of any kind in the whole rest of the world put together.

He'd better be careful, or they might not let him back on the air again any time soon.

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