The Double Agent & The Gorilla, Or How Rooftop Solar Got Its Groove Back

The top rooftop solar companies won battles to preserve net metering in Idaho, Louisiana, Arizona, and California — this despite every effort by the utilities to rig the game, up to and including dark money campaign tactics rarely seen outside of election season.

Via Clean Technica:

Below is an excellent reflection on solar politics transitions that happened in 2013, some of which I wasn’t actually aware of. Some great stuff. A big thanks to Peter Allen for writing this up. One note I’ll make concerns the part about “double agent” Kreamer. I would just clarify that saying rooftop solar is an opportunity for utilities while also attacking utilities for their anti-solar policy attempts is not a matter of being two-faced — utilities could benefit greatly from the rooftop revolution, but they are primarily fighting it instead, and that needs to be called out for the backward...

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