Fun With Guns: Remembering President Lincoln And Dr. King
it’s nice that Republicans are offering to honor two men who stand for everything they hate. Right?

Okay, this is Portland, Oregon.The Multmonah County Republicans want to hold a fundraiser to honor two men.
Multnomah Country Republicans recognize the incredible time of year we are in. In successive months to start the year, we celebrate the legacy of two great Republicans who demonstrated leadership and courage that all of us still lean on today: Martin Luther King, Jr and Abraham Lincoln.
That’s nice, isn’t it? I mean, not that either Dr. King or President Lincoln would even be allowed to attend a Republican function, much less want to, it’s nice that Republicans are offering to honor two men who stand for everything they hate. Right?
Not so fast, Nelly.
In celebrating these two men, and the denial of the rights they fought so hard against, the Multnomah County Republican Party announces that we have started our third raffle for an AR-15 rifle (or handgun of the winner’s choice).
Whoa. They are honoring two guys – both of them killed by guns – by raffling … of dear God … a gun. There does not seem to be much honor here.
And their speaker at the Lincoln/King dinner? Raphel Cruz, the crazy DNA carrier to Ted Cruz.
Has this event been registered at the American Association of Mental Health and Irony Free Living?