Hannity Backtracks On Threat To Leave New York

Sorry, New Yorkers. It doesn't look like you're getting rid of Sean Hannity anytime soon.

After throwing a hissy fit on his radio show this Monday, following Gov. Andrew Cuomo's remarks that extremist conservative politicians would have no home in New York -- and threatening to leave the state and move to Florida -- surprise, surprise, Sean Hannity is already backtracking: Not So Fast: Hannity Not Leaving New York Quite Yet:

Fox News host Sean Hannity isn't about to pack up and leave New York in a huff for a more conservative-friendly home -- yet. [...]

"I think people might have interpreted it that I'm leaving the next day. If I could I probably would, but I like to consider myself a responsible person," he said, adding that by his count over 100 people depend on jobs at his radio and television shows to pay their bills.

Hannity said he and his wife are seriously discussing leaving what he called the "United Socialist State of New York," however.

"It's like I'm facilitating the robbery of the hard-earned money that I'm making, and I'm not gonna do it anymore," he said. "As soon as I am able, sometime probably when my son graduates from high school, I'm getting out of here as quick as I can."

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