House Memo: How To Simulate Caring About The Unemployed

House Republican leaders sent a memo this week to the entire GOP conference with talking points designed to help rank-and-file Republicans show compassion for the unemployed.

How Republicans plan to simulate sincerity over the House unemployment extension vote:

House Republican leaders sent a memo this week to the entire GOP conference with talking points designed to help rank-and-file Republicans show compassion for the unemployed and explain the Republican position on unemployment benefits.

In the memo, which was obtained by The Washington Post, House Republicans are urged to be empathetic toward the unemployed and understand how unemployment is a "personal crisis" for individuals and families. The memo also asks Republicans to reiterate that the House will give "proper consideration" to an extension of long-term insurance as long as Democrats are willing to support spending or regulatory reforms.

Think what fun it would be to call your wingnut Congress critter, let the staffer "explain" the talking points to you, and then yell, "You hit all of the recommended talking points! Babba Booey!"

Not that I would ever recommend such a mean thing, of course.

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