How Much Longer Can America Afford To Be So Pathologically Paranoid?

Our post-9/11 paranoia doesn’t come cheaply. We spend nearly a quarter of every dollar we generate as a nation on the military ($682 billion), Homeland Security (about $60 billion), and 15 intelligence agencies (about $75 billion).

Via Pando Daily:

Historically, our nation has boasted three branches of government: the legislative, judicial, and executive. As you likely recall from school, the legislative branch makes the laws, the judiciary interprets them, and the executive branch (i.e. the President and the justice department) enforces them.

Over the past decade, however, another branch of government has emerged, and it dwarfs the other three. It’s powerful, skirts our laws, and composed of three core entities: the military; the Department of Homeland Security, which encompasses airport security, and 15 intelligence services (Nationa...

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