Legs Bared Around The World For Annual 'No Pants' Commute

Commuters in some 60 cities braved public transportation in their undies for the 13th Annual No Pants Subway Ride.

Legs Bared Around The World For Annual 'No Pants' Commute

Via AFP:

Bare legs and briefs filled train cars from Sydney to New York Sunday as passengers traveled trouserless -- provoking laughs and perplexed looks -- for the 13th annual "No Pants Subway Ride."

Commuters in some 60 cities braved public transportation in their undies for the stunt, which has gone global since its first staging by US group Improv Everywhere in New York in 2002.

The premise is simple: participants convene on a given route on a designated day every year without trousers on, and ride the rails (or road) for shock value and laughs.

"It is just about fun, and providing a la...

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