Rep. Peter King Attacks The New York Times As 'Apologists For Terrorists'

Pot... meet kettle.

It takes one to know one Rep. King. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, but that's never stopped Peter King before.

King seems to have some selective memory when it comes to the New York Times as well. I don't think anyone was accusing them of being a liberal "rag" back when they were helping to lie us into invading Iraq.

Peter King Calls NYT 'Apologists For Terrorists':

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) on Thursday slammed the New York Times after the paper's editorial board called for a clemency deal for former National Security Agency contracter Edward Snowden.

"Edward Snowden, he's a traitor or a defector or both, and the New York Times is an accomplice," King said on Fox News. "They go out of their way to be apologists for terrorists. And they go after those in law enforcement and the military who are trying to win this war."

King called on Americans to stop reading the liberal "rag."

"They're a disgrace. Their editors are a disgrace. And I wish they cared more about America than they did about the rights of terrorist appeasers," he said about the Times. "They have this narrow, liberal, left-wing ideological view. They did it to the NYPD. They're trying to do it to the NSA. It's time for American to stand up and reject the New York Times and expose them for the rag that they are."

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