Uber Driver Hits, Kills Six-year-old Girl. Is “Not Our Problem” Still An Appropriate Response?

This tragic accident highlights a growing concern with transportation networking companies: Are they responsible in the eyes of the law when their drivers commit such crimes?

Via Pando Daily:

On New Year’s Eve, a few hours before the city’s festivities kicked into gear, an Uber driver hit three pedestrians, killing one of them. Six-year-old San Francisco resident Sophia Liu died after being transported to San Francisco General Hospital.

The driver stayed on the scene, and publicly identified himself as Syed Muzzafar. Susan Fahey, a spokesperson for the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office, told PandoDaily the driver was released on bail around 11 pm last night.

After learning of Liu’s death, Uber was quick to point outarguably in an attempt to distance itself from culpability — that...

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