Astrology ~ Love Me Or Leave Me, Valentines Day Full Moon
The Full Moon releases secrets that have lurked in the shadows, allowing for powerful emotions to surface. What we've internally experienced comes to a climax.
The Full Moon delivers exactly what we need today, shining her brilliant light into what had been previously unseen or hidden. In the peak of her lunar cycle, this moonlit beauty boldly strips down, to reveal herself completely. As she breaks her silence on intentions placed on the New Moon, she reminds us of what we need as truth is unveiled. She releases secrets that have lurked in the shadows for the past weeks, which allows powerful emotions to surface. And similar to the Moon, what we’ve internally experienced comes to a climax. Today, we shall join in the cosmic movement of the Full Moon, releasing our light and beauty, so that we may shine as our authentic self.
Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames. Rumi
The Full Moon is in the sign of Leo (the Lion), which is associated with the fifth astrological house, creativity, self-expression, entertainment, children, romance, passion, and the heart. Leo’s ruler is the Sun, so an extra good dose of warmth and light are magnifying the power in this day. As I had recently posted about this hungry Leo Moon on both twitter and facebook, we’re emotionally stimulated and our animal instincts are heightened. We’re highly reactive to either ‘strut our stuff’ or ‘pounce’. Why? Because we simply want, what we want. Some call it selfishness, but it can also be stomach pains from hunger, or the challenging thrill and competition of the hunt.
The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them. Maya Angelou
As our inner nature rises in this cosmic event, courage, honor and loyalty can also rise. In this proud Leo Full Moon, we may be ready to finally put our heart out on the line… and we may be expecting others to do the same. Love me, or leave me. Intentions and boundaries are made clear, so there’s nothing left to hide. As we fully expose our heart, we bravely display the fierceness in our truth, which include our vulnerabilities. It’s ‘do or die’ now. ‘Don’t walk in front or behind me, walk beside me’. ‘You’re either with me, or you aren’t’. If devotion and trust can not be delivered, our inner beast will have no problem defending ourselves. Emotions are at a peak along with some very challenging aspects, so this event can produce imbalances, heated disagreements, with emotional and physical breakdowns.
Strive to make sure that your true friends are men of character, honor, and integrity. Warriors are the best of friends. Because they live by a strict code of ethics, they refuse to let their friends down in their time of need. This would go against their nature and their code. When you have developed a true friendship with a warrior, you have a trusted friend for life, because the warrior is a true friend and a man of his word. Bohdi Sanders
A Moon/Saturn square can easily put a damper on today’s fire, if we allow moods and judgments to get in our way. This interference from grumpy old Saturn in Scorpio can pressure us emotionally, which will quickly bring us back to our senses and reality. Hard work and commitment is what matters when it comes to building strong foundations in our personal and professional lives, but also in our relationships. So in knowing this, understand that Saturn can burst our bubble on this Valentine’s day – if we are reluctant to staying real, or if we fail to make good our promises.
The Leo Full Moon can cause us to crave a lot of attention, applause, and the royal treatment, but we should also learn how to treasure and protect what we love, and who we love. Whatever you attempt on this day, listen to your heart and break barriers, but demonstrate desires and ambitions clearly, especially as misundersatndings and errors are more likel with Mercury retrograde. Tonights Sun/Mars trine can help us to easily create and authenticate our direction. Venus is direct, while Mars transits Libra (relationships, partnerships), helping us to prove what we are fighting for. We can’t evolve, if our life is based on old fears. Prove your authenticity. Open your heart, and make love, not war. Wishing you a brilliant Leo Full Moon, and may you work mighty hard for those extra special blessings that improve your day, your work, and your relationships.
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