Bank Study Finds Minimum Wage Increase Does Not Kill Fast Food Jobs

Because better, smaller and slightly more expensive eateries take the fast food joint’s place. And they do just fine afterward, employing just as many people as $1 Dollar ClownBurger while paying more.

Bank Study Finds Minimum Wage Increase Does Not Kill Fast Food Jobs

Via Americans Against The Tea Party:

It is part of conservative canon that raising the minimum wage — or raising wages in general — isn’t a viable long-term solutions to America’s economic woes. And they’re right. It isn’t. At least, it isn’t in the same way that packing a bleeding hole with gauze isn’t a viable long-term treatment for a gunshot wound. Right now, the nation is bleeding to death from a hole called “inequality,” and hemorrhaging internally from the wound channel of supply-side economics — brought to us by a lead ball most accurately regarded as “materialism.”

Materialism is the obsession with having more stuff. N...

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