Bill Kristol Loses His Mind When Chuck Todd Points Out Palin Is A Grifter

MSNBC's Morning Joe has become a bad parody of Faux "news" where Bill Kristol is asked for predictions and grifter Sarah Palin is discussed as a serious presidential candidate.

Bloody Bill Kristol didn't take it too well when Chuck Todd pointed out the obvious on Morning Joe this Thursday about grifter Sarah Palin and her potential presidential ambitions -- the only reason she'd even pretend like she's interested in the job would be to make some money and raise her profile and speaking fees.

And as Steve M. over at No More Mister Nice Blog pointed out this morning, this segment and the fact that any of them are giving Palin an ounce of credibility pretty well sums up everything that's wrong with Morning Joe and the regulars that appear on that show: KRISTOL + TODD = MORNING JOE'S ARTISANAL COCKTAIL OF STUPID:

Mediaite reports:

In his new "Kristol Clear" prediction segment on Morning Joe ...

Ponder that: Morning Joe gave Bill Kristol a regular segment for predictions. Now go on:

In his new "Kristol Clear" prediction segment on Morning Joe, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol augured Thursday morning that Sarah Palin might run for president in 2016. "I mean, why wouldn't she run?" he asked....

Why wouldn't she run? There's a simple answer to that question: because running would require effort.

But no, Kristol's prediction wasn't ridiculous enough for Morning Joe -- along came Chuck Todd to respond, "I have always believed she's going too run, too," though "for much more cynical reasons":

"I think it's a financial reason," Todd said. "To get back into the spotlight. Get the speaking fees back up...."

Really, Chuck? You think she'll run for the money? In that case, why didn't she run in 2012? Would that not have gotten her back into the spotlight and raised her speaking fees in exactly the same way as a 2016 run? So what held her back? What on earth will be different for Sarah Palin in 2016?

I'll tell you what will be different: nothing. As 2016 approaches, Sarah Palin will still be a lazy person and an intellectual lightweight who wants a quick financial score, not a path to further wealth and notoriety that requires actually reading briefing books and attempting to master, and speak articulately about, policy ideas. Sarah Palin doesn't want to get up to speed on the nuances of Middle East power politics. She doesn't want to understand the various right-wing alternatives to Obamacare. She doesn't want to spend months and months tromping through Iowa cornfields and shaking hands with retirees in New Hampshire diners. [...]

After Todd says that Palin might run for the money, Kristol whines:

"Really? Can't we give these people the benefit of the doubt here? Some establishment type runs, everyone says. 'Oh, take very seriously, Jon Huntsman's running, wants to serve the country.' You guys have him on 452 times on Morning Joe and Chuck says, 'Oh, Jon Huntsman could do it. He's a governor and ambassador to China.' Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee? 'Oh, those guys just want to make money!'"

Go read the rest of the post where he does a great job of summing up the entire segment. MSNBC has allowed Scarborough and the clown show he runs every morning to just become a really bad parody of Faux "news."

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