CNN's Blitzer Lets Rick Perry Play False Equivalency Game With Maher And Nugent

CNN is back to doing what they do best with the false equivalency game after a brief pause where they actually called out wingnut Ted Nugent for being as offensive as he really is.

After CNN's Wolf Blitzer actually called out crazy Ted Nugent for being completely offensive as he runs out on the campaign trail with Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott, we all had to know this was coming.

What would CNN be without resorting back to a healthy dose of the "both sides do it" false equivalency game? Blitzer also apparently has a bad case of selective amnesia when it comes to Nugent if he thinks his recent remarks about President Obama are the most offensive thing the man has ever said.

Blitzer allowed Perry to equate Nugent and the crap that's come out of his mouth to comedian Bill Maher, because we all know how much the right loves Maher ever since he attacked their hero, Sarah Palin -- so people like Perry are going to get their shots in on him.

Note to Bill. If you don't like this happening to you, maybe you ought to think twice before you make the same lazy type of analogy equating the Fox Republican propaganda channel to what's on the air over at MSNBC. There are plenty of reasons to criticize MSNBC, like that three hour right wing mess they air every weekday morning. Pretending they're some mirror image of what Fox does is not one of them, because they're not.

Rick Perry and CNN Falsely Claim That Bill Maher Is Just Like Ted Nugent:

Rick Perry tried to explain the Republican Party’s Ted Nugent problem on CNN today by claiming that Bill Maher is just like the racist right wing former rock and roll star.


PERRY: Listen, I got a problem with calling the president a mongrel.

BLITZER: A subhuman mongrel.

PERRY: I do have a problem with that. That is an inappropriate thing to say, and, but again, people are saying that all of the time.

BLITZER: If you run for president…

PERRY: Listen, let me ask you, I’m betting Bill Maher… Do you think Bill Maher’s ever said anything inappropriate.

BLITZER: He’s said some pretty disgusting things too.

PERRY: He gives a million dollars to the President Of The United States.

BLITZER: And Democrats should be condemned for that as well.

PERRY: And did we see your program focusing in on that?

BLITZER: Yes, yes we did. You saw all of CNN focus on. When Democrats say sick obnoxious things, we report that as well.

PERRY: As well you should.

Rick Perry debuted the new Republican talking point that Bill Maher is just as bad as Ted Nugent. Perry was arguing that Maher was worse than Nugent because he donated a million dollars to a Democratic super PAC in 2012. The new Republican argument is that both sides do it, so what Ted Nugent said is no big deal.

Like all Republican false equivalencies, this one falls apart when examined with the slightest bit of logic. Read on...

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