The Daily Show Features The States: 'Meth Labs Of Democracy'

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took a look at some of the states that are doing their best to move our country backwards this week.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took a look at some of the states that are doing their best to move our country backwards this week.

STEWART: I believe it was Martin Luther King Jr. who said “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice” or something like that. However it appears some of America's state legislatures would like to make that arc longer, and maybe have it bend, not as much towards justice, but backwards and up their own asses.

Featured in the segment above:

Kansas and the pro-child beating, spank your kids harder bill

Missouri Rep wants to warn parents if schools teach evolution

Kansas again with their "no cake for gays" bill

And last but not least, Arizona wants to allow discrimination against LGBT people based on religious beliefs

The swipe at Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski talking about being beaten as kids was priceless.

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