Is Dana Loesch Really Auditioning For The View?

Dana Loesch has a combo platter of venom, bully-victimhood and a faulty grasp of facts that would gives Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin a run for their money. Why is she a guest on The View?

Is Dana Loesch Really Auditioning For The View?

Dana Loesch is going to be a guest host on The View this Monday morning, February 3rd.

I started tweeting the View on Friday evening because I wanted all the female hosts who are on that show to know exactly who will be joining them for coffee at their televised table. Because Dana Loesch is a slippery one --downright oily, if you want to know the truth. She was really, really good at putting over a very “aw-shucks-I’m-just-a-regular-gal” vibe when she was a guest on Real Time with Bill Maher several months ago, but I smelled a rat. I’ve seen this woman in action; she has a combo platter of venom, bully-victimhood and a faulty grasp of facts that would give Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin a run for their money.

“But Jane, she’s a nice Christian mom from the Midwest!” you might say. Since I like to think of myself as a nice, Christian mom from the Midwest, reporting what a total creep this woman is gives me no joy. But, report it I must because the issues at the center of her agenda are too precious to me, to my family and to the future of our country.

Dana never met a gun, assault rifle or magazine clip that she didn’t love or want to make easily and quickly available to a criminal or mentally-ill person. Waiting periods, background checks, registering all guns, making people take a test to show firearm safety habits and competency- PSHAW! Where’s the “liberty” in that? Sure, you have to do all these things to, say… drive a car, but cars are so much more dangerous than guns. Oh wait, that’s not true at all. And for good measure, if we are talking about a state that actually passes commonsense gun laws, like Colorado did last year, Dana will be flown in by a huge gun manufacturer and deliver a pro-gun speech that mocks Martin Luther King, the greatest civil right leader of our time… a man who was killed by gun violence. (She would probably describe this move as “punk-rock,” a self-description she is wild about using -- non-ironically, I might add.) Wanna see footage of this race-baiting horror show? Here you go.

She did not plan on being filmed (which she was, by a liberal blogger) and later tried to BS her way out of this PR nightmare by saying she was evoking Dr. King in her speech because he was once denied a gun registration (a story that is disputed by most experts). She wrote “Would King have been alive today had he been granted the right by the racist, Democrat south to own a gun? Who knows.”

Right. (Maybe someone can explain to her what the Dixie-crats evolved into.) Just watch the footage. She is full of shit. All she cares about is selling guns and magazines for her pals from Magpul, the company that flew her in. She is so unhinged on this day that she decides to confront a meek, kind state senator, named Paul Rosenthal, who is clearly out of his element and a little freaked out by Dana’s stalking of him and aggressive tone as she approaches him. They have given this man, who voted to make Colorado’s gun laws more effectual, a goodie bag that contains a gun magazine. You can see real sadness cross his face as he tries to give it away and Dana mocks him and pushes him into taking a photo with her with a huge sociopathic grin racing across her face. Here’s her blog post where she recounts this encounter and mocks Rosenthal; she has nothing but unbridled snark for this man who turned up trying to connect with his constituency.

Let’s move on from guns. Maybe you were wondering who had the most cray-cray super duper in-your-face supportive response to the proposed Virginia legislature bill that would demand all pregnant women seeking an abortion get a trans-vaginal ultrasound. (You know, the bill that former Gov. Bob McDonnell was busy crafting, in between accepting bribes of cash, Rolex watches and free catering for his daughter’s wedding….) Well, no one was more pumped up with support for that crazy bill than ol’ Dana Loesch. See, she reasoned that since the trans-vaginal ultrasound would be similar to having sex (I guess in her experience, maybe?) and sex is what got the woman in this pickle in the first place… hey, I’ll just let you hear her say it in her own bananas fashion and you can cringe quietly in a corner afterwards.

I could honestly post links to Dana Loesch and her extremist nutball, lie-filled, mean-spirited crap all day. But the worst quality Dana Loesch has is how she thrills to “punch down” at people, and she especially enjoys going after the moms who started Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America.

One of the Moms Demand founding members, Shannon Watts, was actually getting ready to debate Dana on her radio show. Then it came to Shannon’s attention that Dana was mocking her on Twitter, calling her a “cougar” and a liar. (I guess Shannon committed the offense of being maybe a few years older than Dana. Ok, then…)

Shannon decided to decline the invitation to go on a radio show and debate gun laws... with someone who has the emotional maturity of 12-year-old. Hey ladies over 40: How many of you want to sit down and chat it up with a woman only five years younger than you who calls you a “cougar”?

But ol’ Dana does not live in the real world, one with social graces and… tact and… not being fucking crazy! So, she then set all her twitter knuckle-draggers (including her oddly always-poised-for-battle husband) to mock Shannon on twitter. I think they all used the hashtag #DanaDemands to try and bully Shannon into coming onto Dana’stalk show… the talk show of an unhinged pundit who likes to insult another grown woman like they are in a junior high gym locker. For the record, the Moms Demand members would all probably love to debate Dana and Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter- maybe on a stage somewhere with a mixed crowd and a reasonable, centrist moderator. I know I would. Let’s set a date.

I hope The View doesn’t hire Dana Loesch, that this is a one-time gig. I know this piece has a lot of jokes and I'm trying to maintain some levity, but I truly think people of Dana Loesch's ilk are destroying this country and they need to have the megaphone taken away; her brand of deceit must not be rewarded. We are better than that.

Let her stay on The Blaze, talking into her own reflection. I can give you a list as long as my arm of rightwing pundits that know how to fight their side with class and dignity (even if they are wrong all the time. I kid. Sort of.) Please, The View, think about Nicholle Wallace, Mary Katharine Ham, Amy Holmes, Mary Matalin or SE Cupp as possible conservative voices. Because hiring Dana Loesch is like hiring the lady at the Glenn Beck rally with the aluminum colander on her head, holding up the picture of Barack Obama with a bone through his nose.

Anyway, here’s some more links of Dana Loesch being insane or a liar or a jerk, sometimes a combo of two, sometimes all three.

  • And lies more about her here (this has whiffs of a two-hen coffee-klatch btwn Megyn Kelly & Loesch).
  • Dana joins Ted Nugent and the two of them yuck it up together, calling President Obama a “mongrel.” (please keep in mind that Ted Nugent likes to brag about having sex w underage girls and he shit his pants to avoid being drafted in the Vietnam War.)
  • Dana joked that she, too would have urinated on dead Taliban fighters (as some US soldiers have been accused of doing.) She instead goes after the reporter who reports on the story...

Again, The View- Whoopi, Sherri, Jenny and Barbara: You can do so much better. Please, don’t settle for this.

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