D'Souza Says He 'Got Under Obama's Skin' With Film

Dinesh D'Souza plays the perpetual conservative victim card in response to his indictment for campaign fraud.

Wingnut author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza isn't done playing the perpetual conservative victim card following his indictment for violating campaign finance laws quite yet.

D’Souza Suggests Fraud Charge Is Payback For Anti-Obama Film:

Conservative author Dinesh D'Souza, charged last week with campaign fraud, insinuated Friday in an interview that he might have been targeted because of a film he directed that was unflattering to President Barack Obama.

Fox host Sean Hannity stated outright at the beginning of the segment that the Obama administration had targeted conservatives and that D'Souza "was the latest victim to be targeted by the Obama White House." He then asked D'Souza if he believed his indictment was linked to his criticism of the president.

D'Souza immediately noted that his film, which links the supposedly anti-colonialist views of Obama's father to the policies of the Obama presidency, "does seem to have gotten under President Obama's skin."

"I went into Obama's world and into Obama's mind," D'Souza said. "We advanced a thesis that here is a traumatized and messed-up guy who is haunted by the dreams of his father."

"Whether this is a kind of payback remains to be seen."

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