Glenn Beck Warns Obama Will Put Dissenters In Internment Camps
The man who apologized for being "divisive" last month now warns his listeners that they're going to be rounded up and sent to internment camps.
It was just a couple of weeks ago that Glenn Beck had a weirdly lucid and suspiciously self-aware moment and admitted to Megyn Kelly that he realized that he had been contributing to tearing the country apart and that wasn't who we were.
That was so two weeks ago, apparently.
Because Lonesome Rhodes Beck is back to scaring the crap out of his pea-brained listeners, telling them that if they dared to disagree with global warming, abortion or Obamacare, they would be rounded up and placed in internment camps, just as Justice Antonin Scalia warned this week:
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia made headlines nationwide this week after bluntly telling law students at the University of Hawaii that internment camps to detain Americans would eventually return. Acknowledging that the infamous Supreme Court-approved internment of Japanese-Americans in wretched camps during World War II was wrong, the conservative-leaning justice followed up by adding that “you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again.” In “times of war,” Scalia said, citing a Latin expression attributed to Cicero, “the laws fall silent.”
I'm not sure what the hell Scalia is thinking, but I'm pretty damn sure that Beck is incapable of rational thought at all:
"It was a group of people who said 'we know we're right,'" Beck said. "Global warming; sound familiar? We know we're right and if you're standing in the way, you're standing in the way of Manifest Destiny. Sound familiar; Obamacare? We know we right and if you don't, you're standing in the way of progress. Sound familiar? Sound like abortion advocates? We know we right and if you don't agree with us, there's no place for you in this state. That's why Scalia is saying it's going to happen again":
I've listened to this clip five times and I still can't parse out what he's saying. All I can tell you is that there's some really stupid people out there taking this idiot seriously and think that the President is going to put them in some kind of deathcamp.
So much for not tearing the country apart.