The Goat Rodeo

If Lt. Col. Reed had some money, he could take this seat back from a birther. Yoo hoo, Bill Maher!

Bill Maher is running some damn thing called Flip a District, where he and his fans will attempt to oust a sitting congressvarmint.

Lt. Col. Wesley Reed

He wants it to be someone who has a chance of winning. While we have some excellent congressional candidates in Texas to take on Republicans, including Louie Minor in District 31, who is a real comer, the one who probably has the best chance of winning against a real certified dead solid perfect Republican son of a motherless goat is Wesley Reed.

He’s running against Ducky Jammie Boy Blake Farenthold. Watch the You Tube.

If Lt. Col. Reed had some money, he could take this seat back. He is an outstanding speaker, has a gorgeous family, is smart as Rice University with a 50-pound dictionary, and with just a little help, he can and will win. He is personally a very charismatic guy with a compelling life story who is comfortable in his own skin.

So if Maher in looking in Texas, and he’s crazy if he doesn’t, this is the race to win. And, boy howdy, the laughs Farenthold would provide!

UPDATE: One of his volunteers sent me a better picture. Did I mention that he’s mighty easy on the eyes, too?

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