Joe The Plumber Is Now A Union Man

Wurzelbacher said there is no hypocrisy about unions. For one, he said Chrysler required him to join.

Joe The Plumber Is Now A Union Man

Principles are always so flexible when you're a Republican, aren't they?

Samuel Wurzelbacher's encounter with Barack Obama gave some material to Republicans who were eager to brand the Illinois senator a socialist. Today, the man better-known as "Joe The Plumber" has himself a union job.

It might seem like an odd fate for Wurzelbacher, whose status as a mini celebrity in the 2008 presidential race paved the way for a book deal and a failed congressional bid. A quick scan of his Facebook page makes it clear that he's still the same guy who said last year that America needs a "white Republican president again."

And as Wurzelbacher described Sunday in a blog post that was flagged by The Toledo Blade, things have been plenty awkward at his new job with Chrysler.

"I had three days of orientation, and now I’m 'on the job' over here at Chrysler and on Day 4, I’m outside on a break smoking a cigarette and right on cue – some guy calls me a 'teabagger,'" Wurzelbacher wrote.

Joe then explains how "teabagger" is a slur meant to denigrate gay men -- instead of pointing out this is the name Tea Party members first used to identify themselves. But whatev!

[...] When it comes to his place at the union shop, however, Wurzelbacher said there is no hypocrisy. For one, he said Chrysler required him to join. And he argued that "there’s a big difference between private unions and pubic (sic) unions," the latter of which he still opposes.

Wurzelbacher also made it a point to note that, although he has become "part of the zeitgeist," he was awarded the job on his own merit — not that he's against extending his 15 minutes.

"I wasn’t hired because I’m Joe 'The Plumber' but on the other hand, if that’s who people know me as, so be it – that I can’t control," he wrote.

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