Jon Stewart Rips The GOP For Hypocrisy On Immigration Reform
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took a few shots at the hypocritical Republicans who have obstructed at every turn for claiming that President Obama is the one who hasn't done his job.
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took apart the Republicans and their latest excuse for refusing to allow a vote on immigration reform. As John Boehner proclaimed this week, the new party line for why they've punted on the issue again is that they simply don't trust President Obama to do his job and enforce the law.
STEWART: How did we go from, "This is the time to deal with this" in two weeks to, the president doesn't enforce the laws of America? What you're saying, the president can't be trusted to enforce the laws of the land, because, that's his whole job. [...]
For the Republican caucus to suggest that they will not entertain immigration reform, because they don't trust this president to enforce the laws of the land is perhaps the greatest projection in the history of psychology. I give you this Republican Congress' record of enforcing enacted law.
Cue the endless votes trying to overturn the ACA, endless obstruction and filibusters for the sake of obstruction as reported in our media.
Stewart continued:
STEWART: The GOP saying they don't trust the president's ability to implement the law, is like Bob Costas saying, 'No, I don't want to borrow your glasses, I don't know where they've been."
Stewart wasn't any more impressed with the likes of Chuck Schumer "stepping into the slop with them" and suggesting that they pass immigration reform, but wait to enact the law until President Obama is out of office. Of course the Republicans weren't going to go for that one either.
We all know the real reason they're never going to pass anything, ever. Their base will tear them apart for it. They're never going to be able to have it both ways and win elections based on race baiting and xenophobia and then turn around and vote for the "amnesty" that they've been demonizing in campaign ads.