NSA, Which Once Claimed It Needed Every Phone Record, Now Claims It Actually Gets Less Than 20%
A new report from the Washington Post claims that the NSA is actually only getting between 20 to 30% of the data. The Wall Street Journal rushed out a quick story claiming it's actually less than 20%.
Via Techdirt:
Ever since the first Snowden leaks about the way the NSA interpreted Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act to allow it to collect all call records from various telcos, one of the key arguments that has been made by the program's defenders is that it was necessary to have every single call record to make the important connections between terrorists. Multiple officials have argued that to find the "needle in the haystack" they need to be able to collect the whole haystack. In fact, that was part of the argument made by the few judges who have reviewed and approved this program. In the very first FISC ...