Breaking: GOP Blocks Bill To Extend Unemployment Benefits --- By One Vote
The Republicans just filibustered the unemployment benefits extension by one vote.
An estimated 1.7 million unemployed Americans were kicked in the teeth today by the Republican party -- again. The extension was filibustered in the Senate, and lost by one vote.
Harry Reid vows to bring it up again for another vote:
@BarackObama #RenewUI I'm physically sick right now. GOP is ridiculous. I can't take this anymore
— Ryan Donnelly (@diesel8335) February 6, 2014
@HouseGOP I have voted GOP for 17 years, that stops now. #RenewUI ; enough with the games. Representatives should represent not posture
— jay (@kolpaz) February 6, 2014
“@rollcall: Four Republicans voted with Democrats on UI extension: Ayotte, Collins, Heller, Murkowski”#RenewUI THANKS
— Thatcher Scott (@ScottinChgo) February 6, 2014
#RenewUI 46 years old. Crying over a vote. What the hell do I do now?
— HATE THE GOP (@HatetheGOP) February 6, 2014
#voicesoftheunemployed To keep a roof over daughter's head, Carla moved in w/ estranged husband #RenewUI Please RT!
— MomsRising (@MomsRising) February 6, 2014
@Eastsidephotos: My wife and I are sitting here shaking so bad. This could keep us from losing our home. PLEASE Hear them #GOP #RenewUI
— Escodaboss (@ortega_es) February 6, 2014
#renewUI looks like im going to have to got to jail to get 3 rats and a cot cause im homeless jobless foodless, and broke
— trick (@trickquestion) February 6, 2014
#renewui well, time to pack up the family, and drive off of a cliff. Thanks for killing my wife, son and daughter. #GOP.
— Cory (@XxTReeBLaZeRxX) February 6, 2014
@SaxbyChambliss @SenatorIsakson Senator's, Thank you for throwing more than 70 GA citizens under the bus. God Bless America. #RenewUI
— Kevin (@Krpfan) February 6, 2014
#RenewUI has once again been blocked by Senate GOP. Sociopaths are all around us, but concentrate in one political party. #uniteblue #p2
— East KY Liberal (@EastKYLiberal) February 6, 2014
@PeteSessions how could u vote against live-saving effort? not our fault that there r no jobs, what do u propose we do? #RenewUI DISBELIEF!
— Sheri Minkoff (@SheriMinkoff) February 6, 2014
I just telephoned Marco Rubio at his DC Office @ 202-224-3041 I told him what I thought re: UI. NO COMMENT FROM JOHN IN HIS OFFICE! #RenewUI
Happy Birthday President Reagan. #ATimeForChoosing
— Senator Pat Toomey (@SenToomey) February 6, 2014