Why That Swiffer Ad Is Unrealistic

It took me several viewings, but I finally figured out exactly what bothered me about this Swiffer ad.

I've seen this commercial every day since the Super Bowl. The first time I saw it, there was something about it that kind of rubbed me the wrong way but honestly I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

I just read the article on the web version of Variety that points that this commercial has sparked a bit of controversy that has YouTube shutting down the comments section again.

And that's when it dawned on me. I have to admit, I too, have a problem with it. I don't understand why advertisers keep trying to shove this crap down our throats. I was ashamed to realize that I felt this way, but it's true.

If I'm honest, I can only admit that it is impossible for me to believe that there is any man who ever does this much housework or even notices dust on the ceiling fan or cares.

I suppose there's this guy and it is a commercial. I hear that this commercial features a real family. I'd love to talk to the wife off camera and find out if husband guy really is that concerned with housework. He looks just a little too surprised that the dirt doesn't come off that Swiffer Duster to be genuine.

Still, none of that really addresses my obvious bias towards men. That's something I'll really have to work on.

Sorry fellas. I'll try to do better.

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