Tennesee Preacher Refuses To Marry Whites And Blacks Because Communism (Video)
Brother Donny Reagan doesn’t like Communism–and by Communism, he means “race mixing.”
Via Americans Against The Tea Party:
Wow! The Happy Valley Church of Jesus Christ in Tennessee must be channeling Phil Robertson! Brother Donny Reagan doesn’t like Communism–and by Communism, he means “race mixing.”
To choruses of “Amen” and applause, Brother Donny explained to his congregation that God made people just the way they are, and that it is an affront to the Big Guy to attempt to change that. Yes, that’s right–having children with a person with another race is somehow an attempt to change your own skin color….or something.
Brother Donny, in a 2013 sermon posted by the American Jesus, let his congregation know exactl...