Watch Bill Maher Call Out Bill Kristol: 'Have You Ever Met A War You Didn't Love?'

This is the way neocon warmonger Bloody Bill Kristol should be treated every time he's allowed to pollute our airways.

I don't know why anyone allows the National Review's neocon warmonger Bloody Bill Kristol on the air in the first place, but if you must have him on, this is the way he should be treated.

During a discussion on our military spending and military interventions around the world on this Friday's Real Time, host Bill Maher let Kristol have it. He asked him if he "ever met a war he didn't love" while Kristol tried to play the "Obama did it too" game over sending more troops into Afghanistan.

I was happy to see Maher read off a list of many of the things that the perpetually wrong Bill Kristol has said about invading Iraq and force him to respond.

I wasn't thrilled to see him on in the first place, but it was nice to see him actually challenged -- instead of just being allowed to filibuster a segment, as he does on way too many shows. If the hosts over at ABC were half as hard on him as Maher was here, I would not be as irritated as I am about them hiring him. Don't ever expect him to be forced to defend his positions and world view on either This Week, or Morning Joe, or Fox, or anywhere else he keeps rearing his ugly head.

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