Watch Florida TEApublican Go Berserk, Rant About Secret 9/11 Code During School Board Meeting (Video)
Boynton denies having any mental health issues and says she is not on any medication–something that, perhaps, should change.
Via Americans Against The Tea Party:
Marion County, Florida’s regularly scheduled school board meeting was briefly interrupted as the vice-chair embarked on an Alex Jonesy paranoid rant about what sounds like alleged attempts to convert her to Islam, the feds, a secret 9/11 code, hostage taking, and some guy named Ahmed.
Angie Boynton, who is endorsed by the local Tea Party, is described as “typically quiet at board meetings” and as a person who “usually only makes brief comments” by a local reporter, but she broke from the usual script near the end of a televised Tuesday night school board meeting with a claim...