Bachmann: America Unrecognizable Because Of Free 'Killer Drugs' Like Birth Control

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Tuesday worried that President Barack Obama and Democrats could withhold life-saving drugs from Americans because they had mandated "killer drugs" like birth control.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Tuesday worried that President Barack Obama and Democrats could withhold life-saving drugs from Americans because they had mandated "killer drugs" like birth control.

Following Supreme Court arguments over whether companies could practice a religion and deny contraception to employees based on those beliefs, Bachmann and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) took to the House floor to blast the Obama administration for mandating birth control coverage in the first place.

"That is government enforced coercion on religious belief," Bachmann complained. "And it varies at caprice and whim. That's one thing under the rule of law that has been a pillar of American exceptionalism, the fact that under the rule of law there is certainty for the American people."

"If you looked at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, you knew with certainty when you woke up tomorrow morning that your religious liberties were intact," she continued. "Now, apparently today, the gentlemen was in the chamber and heard that, according to at least one Supreme Court justice, in her opinion, they aren't so much certain anymore."

"It is not at only the election of the court, but at the election of the unnamed bureaucrat that decides, today we will have these killer drugs that we mandate. Tomorrow, what drugs will they take off the list? Will I not get life-saving drugs that I need to get?"

Bachmann went on to suggest that "only politically-connected best friends" of President Obama's administration would receive certain surgical procedures in the future.

"We don't know!" she insisted. "That means that the president and his administration wins their religious liberty, and the right to force their religious views down the throats of the American people... It's unlike anything we have ever seen before in the history of the United States of America."

"The American people better wake up quick because we are living in a country we no longer recognize."

For his part, Gohmert said he was just thankful that there were still conservative Supreme Court justices on the bench who could rule against the Obama administration's contraception mandate.

"God bless Justice Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas," Gohmert said. "It is extraordinary if you spend time with Justice Thomas, you find out just how brilliant he is. He didn't need Affirmative Action to get him into Yale Law School."

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