Colbert Joins Palin In Endorsing Hog Castrating Iowa GOP Senate Candidate

Stephen Colbert is ready to go "whole hog" behind Iowa Republican Senate candidate and proud hog castrator, Joni Ernst.

Following Nate Silver's predictions that the Republicans have about a 60 percent chance of retaking the Senate, which was partially based on Silver's assertion that "as compared with 2010 or 2012, the GOP has done a better job of recruiting credible candidates," Stephen Colbert was skeptical about whether Silver's claims were true.

COLBERT: Really? More credible than 2012? The Republicans had serious people like Sharron Angle and Richard Mourdock, and a stick of butter with googly-eyes. Nevertheless, this year the GOP has stepped up its game with even credible-er candidates, like Iowa's Joni Ernst, who is running on a platform everyone can get behind.

Cue Iowa Senate candidate Joni Ernst's campaign ad, talking about how she "grew up castrating hogs in Iowa." (And yes, it is actually a real ad and not something from The Onion.)

COLBERT: Sold!! Joni, you had me at castration. Folks, it does not matter what else she stands for, I am pulling for her whole hog, or whatever is left of the hog when she's done with it. Folks, I think everyone should know about Joni's history of hog castration, not just the people she's legally required to tell when she moves into a new neighborhood.

After a lot more one liners, Colbert wrapped things up by telling all of those other Senate candidates out there that if they want to change Washington, they ought to be following Ernst's lead and making similar campaign ads. Colbert conveniently had one of his own for an example for all of them to watch, just in case any of them weren't sure what he was talking about.

Colbert's behind her and so is the Grifta' from Wasilla, so I assume that means she's got the election all wrapped up already.

Sarah Palin Goes All in on the GOP Castration Meme:

As noted yesterday, the Iowa GOP now has a candidate running on a platform of proud hog castration, and today the dimmest bulb in the right wing cupboard went all in on this highly appealing testicle-chopping meme, bringing her own barnyard perspective to the issue.

“If Nebraska’s Deb Fischer can see through the bull in Washington, then Iowa’s Joni Ernst can help her cut through the pork,” Palin wrote. “Growing up on a hog farm in Southwest Iowa, Joni has taken her ‘pork cutting’ skills to the Iowa State Senate, where she has been a champion for life, small government, and lower taxes - voting for the largest tax cut in Iowa history.”


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