Coulter: 'Organize Death Squads For The People Who Wrecked America' If Immigration Reform Passes

Ann Coulter with some red meat for the GOP's base at CPAC 2014.

As Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch and Roy Edroso at Raw Story both noted, this is what passes for a "debate" at CPAC 2014, with writer Mickey Kaus pretending to be the "liberal" and Anne Coulter playing the conservative in what was described as a "tribute to William F. Buckley Jr.'s Firing Line."

And it wouldn't be CPAC without pundits like Coultergeist throwing plenty of red meat out there for the attendees: Ann Coulter: If Immigration Reform Passes, 'Organize The Death Squads For The People Who Wrecked America':

CPAC today invited conservative commentator Ann Coulter to debate “liberal” journalist Mickey Kaus, who ended up holding the same right-wing views on immigration reform as Coulter, and who even praised ultraconservative GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions. The two tried to outdo each other in bashing supporters of immigration reform, but it was hard to top Coulter. [,...]

Coulter ended with this call to arms: “Amnesty is forever and you got to vote for the Republicans one more time and just make it clear; but if you pass amnesty, that’s it, it’s over and then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America.”

h/t Media Matters

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