Family Of Sick Toddler Leaves NJ For Colorado's Medical Marijuana Program

Brian and Meghan Wilson say their battle in New Jersey led to modest changes in the state’s strict law, but isn’t enough to help their daughter.

Family Of Sick Toddler Leaves NJ For Colorado's Medical Marijuana Program


NEWARK — The Scotch Plains family who waged a public fight to change New Jersey law so they could obtain medical marijuana for their severely ill young daughter moved to Colorado on Friday, saying that’s where they’ll find a strain of the drug they hope can save her life.

Brian and Meghan Wilson say their battle in New Jersey, which included a public plea to Gov. Chris Christie, led to modest changes in the state’s strict law, but isn’t enough to help their 2 ½-year old daughter, Vivian, who has a potentially fatal form of epilepsy.

"I’m not angry," said Meghan Wilson, clutching boarding pas...

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