Fox's Eric Bolling Not Happy With Jon Stewart Mocking Their Attacks On Food Stamp Recipients
Eric Bolling wants Jon Stewart to come on Fox and debate him over their food stamp coverage.
It looks like Jon Stewart's segment on The Daily Show this Wednesday, slamming Faux "news" for their constant attacks on those living in poverty and food stamp recipients, didn't sit too well with one of their regulars, Eric Bolling.
After opening up this Saturday's Cashin' In with yet more attacks on those receiving SNAP benefits, kids staying on their parents' health insurance, "Pajama Boy," the "Life of Julia" campaign, and claiming that liberals are teaching young people that they should "live off the government dole," Bolling played a tiny portion of Jon Stewart's segment from this week.
STEWART: Food stamps are used for food. It's a fact you can remember with this little mnemonic I use -- food. It stands for food stamps can only be used for food, oh, oh dummy.
Fox of course left out the better part of Stewart's criticism of their coverage and the fact that he did not say there was no fraud. He said you can't be sure the tales Fox has been telling on the air are true, and that they're not indicative of most people who use the program.
Bolling challenged Stewart to come on Fox and debate the issue with him and then resorted to a bit of name calling. I don't expect Stewart would take up the likes of Bolling on that challenge any time soon.
Here's all of Stewart's segment for anyone who didn't watch it earlier.