The GOP Threw A Minority Outreach Party At CPAC: Nobody Showed Up!
Political strategist Jason Roe suggested that Democrats draw larger minority crowds because they have more “goodies” to offer.
Via Americans Against The Tea Party:
CPAC attracts a certain type of crowd. No, not necessarily just the rich, though One Percenters are a bit over-represented at probably 50% of the audience. Not just gun nuts either, though Wayne LaPierre had no problem filling a large ballroom at the 2014 CPAC convention. No, the crowd CPAC attracts is overwhelmingly…white.
In the minutes prior to Wayne LaPierre’s brought a stirring round of applause upon saying “Freedom is having all the handguns, shotguns and rifles we want,” the ballroom in which he said it was oddly silent and empty. A few minutes before LaPierre took the stage to represe...