Jon Stewart Calls Out DiFi's Hypocrisy Over CIA Scandal
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart takes Sen. Dianne Feinstein to task for her hypocrisy over the latest revelations that the CIA was spying on members of congress and their staff.
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart ripped into Sen. Dianne Feinstein and her newly found outrage after it was revealed that the CIA was spying on members of the Senate and their staffers.
Jon Stewart Tears Into Dem Sen. Feinstein for CIA Spying Hypocrisy:
“What is incredible about these accusations is, they are not coming from Senator Ron ‘Privacy is important’ Wyden or Senator Rand ‘Don’t kill me with a flying robot’ Paul,” Stewart said. “They are coming from Dianne ‘So the NSA is looking at your data’ Feinstein.”
After playing a montage of Senate Intelligence Committee chair Feinstein showing her support for NSA surveillance tactics, Stewart explained, “She doesn’t mind if our security apparatus is looking at your stuff, because your stuff is shit. But her shit is stuff.” He then dutifully gave credit where credit is due to George Carlin for that classic riff.
For more on this story, new correspondent and definitely not-former-CIA-agent Jordan Klepper joined Stewart to defend the CIA’s actions.