Kissing, Bees & The Disappearing Plane...

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On this weeks episode of Quickie News: Strangers kissing each other, Woman survives 1,000 stings and where is that plane?

In the video seen around the world... strangers are kissing each other. Kinda GROSS but also kinda BEAUTIFUL. Everyone thinks it was/is this gorgeous piece of art. SHAM. Its actually a commercial starring really pretty people. Because why create art when you can create an advertisement?

The story that came out of nowhere... a 71 year old woman was stung 1,000 times by a swarm of 75,000 bees!!! WHAT?

Last but not least, in the interest of finding some comedy sometimes when there is a tragedy much like what has be fallen the missing Malaysian airlines flight. There is a silver lining to one group of people and that is the conspiracy theorists.

For the first time EVER the conspiracy theorists may have a shot at not looking crazy. What is your favorite conspiracy theory?
What do you think happened to the plane? Comment down below!

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