Maddow: 'Shame On Us' For Asking The Likes Of Bill Kristol For Opinions On Foreign Policy
What Rachel Maddow should have said is shame on Joe Scarborough for having lying warmonger Bloody Bill Kristol on day after day to fearmonger and spread right wing propaganda on his show.
Rachel Maddow appeared on The Daily Show this Wednesday to discuss her documentary which will be airing on MSNBC this Thursday evening, titled Why We Did It, which examines what the real motivations of the Bush administration were for invading Iraq.
I look forward to seeing what she and her staff have managed to dig up that hasn't been reported on before that she discussed with Stewart. I also thought it's worth noting that when Maddow says "shame on us" for allowing the likes of Bloody Bill Kristol to pollute our airways and continue to beat the war drums for Iran or whatever country he's interested in invading on any particular week, she's talking about her coworker and nasty piece of work, Joe Scarborough, and her buddy on MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell, who have both had Kristol on as guests.
I will qualify that by saying that I've only seen him on Mitchell's show once and she looked like she was forced to interview him when she'd rather not, while Scarborough looks like relishes having someone who is as mean and hateful as himself to attack liberals and anyone on the left and to help spread right wing propaganda as often as possible on his show.
It seems you're only allowed to cross the streams over at MSNBC if you're Nicolle Wallace bashing Rachel Maddow on Morning Joe.
This is as close as you're going to see Maddow come to taking her coworkers to task and she's exactly right about allowing Kristol on the air, and it's not just her coworkers, it's all of the other networks who've got him on there as well. Sadly, she'll never be allowed to call any of them out by name.
STEWART: Why did you do this to yourself? Why did you delve back into the morass, the abyss that is the Iraq war?
MADDOW: Well, it is history, but I feel like it's a really important unanswered question in our modern history, which is why we went to that war. I did another documentary a little bit more than a year ago about how we were lied to, about how the administration's case about why we had to go to war in Iraq wasn't true and how they sold us a false case. […]
It sort of leads right away to the next question which is that if the case they made to us wasn't really why they wanted to go, why did they really want to go? Two million Americans served there and four thousand Americans died there. We sort of owe it to them, if nothing else, to know why they got sent there, and that question hasn't been answered yet.
And now that it's ten years on, there's a bunch of people who wouldn't talk before, who will now talk, about their roll in it...
STEWART: That's interesting.
MADDOW: And a bunch of documents we couldn't get our hands on before that we now have. […]
STEWART: There's been an undercurrent of this for ten years. You know, is it... does it need to be relentlessly told over and over again? Who owns the history of this? And how does that shape our perception of this and how have they tried to shape it in a manner that is much more positive to their perspective?
MADDOW: I think the most insidious way that they've tried to shape it is to say let's not talk about this anymore. I know I never answered that question, but let's let it go.
And that is... the Iraq war looms really large over all of the decisions that we make now about national security. I mean, nobody really wants to go to war with Russia over this Crimea thing, but if we did...
STEWART: Nobody? I've been watching the news.
MADDOW: Well. We are all Ukrainians now according to Senator McCain.
STEWART: It's incredible too, how quickly they jumped. And we listened to all these individuals, who were so wrong, led us to awry in the Iraq war, and they're immediately on television, with great confidence... ahhh, we're so naïve. It's been forty eight hours. Attack!! You know, it's... the hubris is incredible.
MADDOW: Yes. And that's because there hasn't been any accountability for the people who were wrong the first time. The people who said we ought to go, it's not going to take many people. It's going to pay for itself, it doesn't matter that we're not going to set up a government. Iraq will be right back on its feet. It will be a Jeffersonian democracy in the heart of the Middle East.
I mean, those guys got like, Paul Wolfowitz got to go like run the World Bank. Really? Like you shouldn't be running a light rail system in a small town in a country other than this one that we dislike. You can't actually have credibility on national security issues. You can't be Bill Kristol, for example, who was banging the drums harder than anybody else that we ought to go to Iraq, and that it would work out great, and now banging the drums for any subsequent war.
And shame on us for even asking their opinion.