Mike's Blog Round Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts....

Any thoughts, anyone, on the disappearance of MH370? I don't want to engage in reckless conspiracy theorizing, but it does seem to me that certain people and governments know a lot more than they're letting on. And, yes, that includes the White House and Pentagon.

In happier news, what do you all think of #mcconnelling? Comedic genius, no?

Strangely Blogged: The homophobic inexpertise of Mark Regnerus.

Just an Earth-Bound Misfit, I: The disgusting nonsense of the KKK.

Real American Liberal: The many working benefits of Obamacare.

Lance Mannion: The cinematic tragedy of Captain Phillips.

Outside the Beltway: The absurd fake elections of dictators.

Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings). I'll be here through the weekend.

Send requests and suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).

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