O'Reilly Continues Attack On Barbara Lee: 'Not Only Is She A Pinhead, A Race Hustler, She's A Liar'
Bill-O distorts Rep. Barbara Lee's remarks so he can pretend that no Republicans or conservatives are racist and that the Southern Strategy never existed.
If you were one of the people who thought that Bill O'Reilly was going to milk his feud with Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee for the entire week to get as much mileage out of the name calling he started this Tuesday as possible -- you were right -- because he was back at it again this Friday, calling the Congresswoman a pinhead and a liar after she shot back O'Reilly both in a press release and on the air with MSNBC's Chris Hayes.
On this Friday's show, during his Pinheads & Patriots segment, Bill-O not only resorted to name calling to get back at the Congresswoman for daring to call out his constant race baiting, he had to resort to some revisionist history as well. O'Reilly seems to have a bit of selective amnesia when it comes to the Republican party and that Southern Strategy of theirs. Welfare queens?? When has anyone in the Republican party ever used the word welfare queens? Bill-O just can't seem to recall.
O'REILLY: Congresswoman Barbara Lee from California, I called her a race hustler recently after she implied that Congressman Paul Ryan was prejudiced against blacks.
(Begin video.)
LEE: You know what? Race hustler, welfare queens, food stamp president, these code words are to be expected from the right wing. However, they should not be accepted.
(End video.)
O'REILLY: Sure, so the right wing, all conservative Americans, we all use, all of us, not any exceptions, we all use, phrases that denigrate African Americans. Do I have that right Congressman? Do I have that right?
Alright, let's take a look at Miss Lee's history. In 2011 she accused the entire Republican party of trying to deny black Americans the right to vote... the entire party. Also in 2011, she released a book that said the Bush administration Hurricane Katrina relief, because mainly blacks were involved. That is, they didn't want to rescue the blacks, they wanted them to drown, according to this Congresswoman.
In 2013, she branded Congressman Steve King a racist. She did the same thing to Bill Bennett, President Reagan's former Secretary of Education. And Miss Lee claims she's not a race hustler? How about pinhead Congresswoman? You like that better?
Now this is a woman who is in the United States Congress, alright, who is flat out calling people with whom she disagrees, racists, whether they're her colleagues, or me, or the entire Bush administration, or the entire Republican party.
And this woman has the gall, the nerve, to get up there, alright, and then throw out terms like welfare queen. When has the Republican party ever used that term? When have I ever used that term. The answer is, never, alright?
So not only is she a pinhead, a race hustler, she's a liar. That's who we have representing a California district... Barbara Lee.