O'Reilly: Lincoln Would Not Have Done Funny Or Die Interview

Bill-O continued the right wing's freakout over President Obama's Funny or Die interview in his Talking Points Memo this Tuesday evening on Faux "news."

Bill-O continued the right wing's freakout over President Obama's Funny or Die interview in his Talking Points Memo this Tuesday evening on Faux "news."

From Fox's blog: O’Reilly: Using Comedic Site to Boost ObamaCare Enrollment ‘A Little Bit Desperate’:

Two weeks ago, President Barack Obama did an interview with Zach Galifianakis for his spoof talk show, “Between Two Ferns.” It was posted to Funny or Die today.

Obama did the interview to encourage young people to sign up for ObamaCare, but O’Reilly said, “For a president under intense scrutiny to do a comedy show raises some questions.”

O’Reilly said the timing was bad – the economy continues to be problematic and Russian President Vladimir Putin is testing Obama.

“It looks like Putin believes the president is a lightweight. Will a comedy video counter that?” O’Reilly asked.

“The Affordable [Care] Act is dubious to say the least, and using a comedic website to enroll people is a little bit desperate,” O’Reilly said, noting that maybe White House Press Secretary Jay Carney should have done the show instead of the president.

“All I can tell you is Abe Lincoln would not have done it,” he said.

“There comes a point when serious times call for serious action,” O’Reilly said. “We are a divided nation which Talking Points believes is in decline.”

O’Reilly said that Obama may be quick with a good sense of humor, but he needs to be aware of how his enemies perceive him, noting that the testing of America is just getting started.

Yeah, how dare he go on a comedy show to promote his health care law when we've got another war we want to promote! The nerve!

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