Prominent TEApublican Pundit: Gay People Are Forcing Christians ‘Into The Closet’

Star Parker says Christians are being forced “into the closet” by militant gays who are demanding that they violate their religious convictions. O, the suffering!

Via Americans Against The Tea Party:

Yet another voice from the religious right has chimed in to inform us that by not allowing “Christians” to persecute those they disapprove of we are persecuting them.  Star Parker, in an op-ed for World Net Daily, the extreme right website revered by Tea Party types as one of the few “reliable” sources of information says that Christians are being forced “into the closet” by militant gays who are demanding that they violate their religious convictions.

Parker starts by calling the Arizona bill vetoed by governor Jan Brewer last week flawed and admitting that Brewer was right to have vet...

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